Friday, December 10, 2004

Drinking Log -- Thursday

Blarney Rock, 6:30 PM:

T from Queens: You look like dat guy from Linkin Park.

Me: Who's that?

T: That fuckin' guy. Ya don't know who Linkin Park is? I'm old and I know who Linkin Park is.

Me: I've heard of them!

T: Yeah, I just fuckin' got out I jail and I even know who Linkin Park is, fuckin' guy.


T: I seen every fuckin' band. I know em all. I'm old. I had 15 tickets in row numba 10 to see Lynyrd Skynyrd -- it was 1977 -- I'm old. I had all this whole row reserved. Then the whole fuckin' band got killed in a plane crash a month before.

Me: Shit. Did you get your money back?

T: Nah. T-Rex and Jethro Tull played instead. It was crap.

Me: I like T-Rex!

T: Whateva. Ask me any band. I seen em.


T: Sometimes, you know, a guy fuckin' pushes ya over the edge. I'm a gentleman. Ya don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you.

R, bartender from Ireland: Dere's no udder way.

T: But you push me over da edge...

R: Some guys, ya give em an inch, dey'll take a mile.

T: We're friends for life, man.

Awkward pound/hand clasp.


Silence. T's leg brushes subtly against my knee.

T: Uh oh! Sorry!


Girlfriend comes in. I go to bathroom.

T, to girlfriend: Why ya all bundled up? It's not that cold.

Girlfriend: [smiling]

T: You're too pretty to be wearing all those clothes.

G: [smiling]


Goodbyes all around.

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